The Respectful Way
Thriving individuals and families
Good health, Authentic connections, Safe spaces
At the core of every human being is the verve to be. What drives us to move, speak, act, think, and feel a certain way, in each moment? What delights us, vitalises us, spurs us on, and governs our sense of self? What satisfies our organic needs? And what makes us so intelligently adaptable?
My integrative practice and philosophy weaves between the brain, mind, body, and spirit to support wholesome function of each unique individual, focusing on the first three years of life. Working with various concepts of Self, I celebrate our human nature and the wondrous qualities of early childhood.
My goal is to help adults who live or work with young children feel less anxious or frustrated and more able to enjoy their time together, building relationships that matter. We can accomplish this in the respectful way. The better we understand, the deeper we appreciate who we are, what we are, and how we are. Then we can provide sensitive support, valuable resources, and healthy guides toward success in life.
I'm excited to share this journey with you!
At the core of every human being is the verve to be.
What drives us to move, speak, act, think, and feel a certain way, in each moment? What delights us, vitalises us, spurs us on, and governs our sense of self? What satisfies our organic needs? And what makes us so intelligently adaptable?
My integrative practice and philosophy weaves between the brain, mind, body, and spirit to support wholesome function of each unique individual, focusing on the first three years of life. Working with various concepts of Self, I celebrate our human nature and the wondrous qualities of early childhood.
My goal is to help adults who live or work with young children feel less anxious or frustrated and more able to enjoy their time together, building relationships that matter. We can accomplish this in the respectful way. The better we understand, the deeper we appreciate who we are, what we are, and how we are. Then we can provide sensitive support, valuable resources, and healthy guides toward success in life.
I'm excited to share this journey with you!

"Take the children more seriously, observe them more closely,
think more carefully about the meaning of what they do,
and above all... like, trust, respect, and enjoy them more."
- John Holt

How may I support you?
A home visit to talk about your infant or toddler's development, behaviours you are feeling challenged with, spaces you are trying to set up, or any other questions you're facing right now. I am here to offer a new perspective and some practical guidance to help you find your way. With clarity and confidence, you can lighten your strain and benefit from positive results.
Five weekly sessions build up to a full-body massage with your baby, for parents or caregivers and infants from 3-8 months old. Learn a comprehensive series of strokes
and enjoy the special connection that develops with this intimate activity. The refined routine uses a blend of Indian and Swedish techniques, designed by the International Association of Infant Massage.
Parent-infant groups meet weekly and grow together until the children turn two years old. Take pleasure in their self-initiated activities and discover how to encourage each child's authentic process and development.
Working with Magda Gerber's Educaring® Approach, classes focus on bringing RIE® principles to life and help parents to be confident about supporting their infant or toddler's needs as well as their own.
Sessions are tailored to your family's goals as we come together to discuss principles and practices. Explore your family mapping of life, your beliefs and ideals, your patterns of communication. Operate as a unit that simultaneously supports individuation and provides a sense of belonging. Topics are limitless and range from caring for your newborn infant to thriving with your toddler.
Five weekly sessions build up to a full-body massage with your baby, for parents or caregivers and infants from 3-8 months old. Learn a comprehensive series of strokes and enjoy the special connection that develops with this intimate activity. The refined routine uses a blend of Indian and Swedish techniques, designed by the International Association of Infant Massage.
A home visit to talk about your infant or toddler's development, behaviours you are feeling challenged with, spaces you are trying to set up, or any other questions you're facing right now.
I am here to offer a new perspective and some practical guidance to help you find your way. With clarity and confidence, you can lighten your strain and benefit from positive results.

is an early childhood practitioner in developmental sciences, infant/toddler care, and educational neuroscience.
She is a RIE® Associate for Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach, working and learning with communities around the world. She completed her RIE® Foundations™ in London, her RIE® Practicum™ in California, and her RIE® Internship™ in China, Australia, and Singapore. She is a senior lecturer for Early Childhood Education at Singapore University of Social Sciences and an associate trainer for SEED Institute. She is also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage and belongs to the IAIM UK Chapter.
Aletheia graduated from the University of Oxford with a DPhil in Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics and holds a Masters in Psychology from National University of Singapore.
is an early childhood practitioner in developmental sciences, infant/toddler care, and educational neuroscience. She is a RIE® Associate for Magda Gerber’s Educaring® Approach, working and learning with communities around the world. She completed her RIE® Foundations™ in London, her RIE® Practicum™ in California, and her RIE® Internship™ in China, Australia, and Singapore. She is a senior lecturer for Early Childhood Education at Singapore University of Social Sciences and an associate trainer for SEED Institute. She is also a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage and belongs to the IAIM UK Chapter.
Aletheia graduated from the University of Oxford with a DPhil in Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics and holds a Masters in Psychology from National University of Singapore.

As a research neuroscientist, she spent a decade specialising in learning, memory, and adaptive behaviour. Her expertise spans developmental and applied psychology, cognitive behavioural neuroscience, functional and structural brain plasticity, and human physiology. She remains passionate about the human design and our wonderful capacities, and is dedicated to good health, authentic connections, and safe spaces.
Now she works closely with parents, caregivers, educators, professionals, and young children through classes, workshops, trainings, and consultations. She aspires to create environments that offer people insights and the freedom to learn and shape their own experiences. Find out more at www.aletheialee.com.
Aletheia currently resides in Singapore.
Write to her here or directly at